Member Listing
The following is a list of all the active Circle of Janus members, their past and present club title(s), and their web page (if any).
Please use the following contact information for club related and/or personal contact purposes.
The use of this information for any other purpose is not permitted… and just plain wrong.
Violations of these terms is punishable by public bikini waxing.
Andy is a clinical social worker at the Hamilton Center. He has held the club offices of Secretary, President, Chairman of the Board, and Sergeant at Arms. Convention offices include: (InConJunction & Starbase Indy) Conchairbeing, Security, Registration, Dealers' Room, Programming, Publicity, and Con Suite. He is currently the "Atmosphere" department for InCon, decorating the halls with various and sundry things.
Genre intrests? "Unless there's a chance of a ray gun or a spaceship, I'm probably not going to be interested. Exception to this rule is ESP stuff. I have a tendency to favor time travel, quixotic stories or those with a military flavor."
For accomplishments Andy says simply, "I've survived, so far." For goals, "Get at least one story published some time in my life." His hobbies, "Philosophical statements; Remaking society along the lines I think it should go."
Comments: "A pursuing Ferengi Assault Trader, disruptor damage to my warp drive controls, a nearby sun, and the slingshot-breakaway effect all resulted in my permanent "assignment" here on 21st Century Earth."
That explains it. We always wondered why someone like Andy would want to hang around with this crazy group.
Wife of Mike Cowper
Mother of Southwell (Kai / Megan) and Ren Cowper
Club President 2011 & 2012
Club Vice-President 2009, 2010, and 2014
Club Secretary 1993 (at a guess...) to 2001, half of 2005, 2006, 2007, 2013
Editor, Circular of Janus, 2004 to present
InConJunction 32, 31 & 30 Program Book Chair
InConJunction 29, 33, & 34 ConSuite Chair
InConJunction 28 (2008) and 21 (2001) ConChair
InConJunction 27, 26, & 20 Assistant ConChair
InConJunction 26 & 25 Gaming Chair
InConJunction 24, 23 & 22 Art Show Chair
Past Programming Chair, past Play Director
Writer/editor. INWO SubGenius.
Author: GURPS Rogues
Interests in the genre: Everything.
Steve Jackson Games Men in Black volunteer demonstrator and GURPS game master
Mike's interests include SF&F, computers (primarily unix/linux varients), gaming and acting. He has been reading SF&F since 1975, attending InCon since1984 and been a member of CoJ since about 1991. He has been playing RPGs since 1979 and is a MIB (Steve Jackson Games volunteer) and a Looney Labs Game Technician (Looney Labs Games volunteer). He also sings in his church choir, and a christian mens ensemble.
He is the Sr. Systems Administrator for Midwest Internet (, and is responsible for all technical aspect for the company's network. He attended Purdue University for four years majoring in physics, computer science and mathematics, with a minor in philosophy, but left before getting a degree.
Past InConJunction ConChair (2004)
Past Circle of Janus President (2 terms)
Past A/V Department Head for InCon (3 years)
Past Operations Department Head for InCon (2 years)
Past Masquerade Chair for InCon (1 year)
Actor and Prop builder for several InCon plays
1999 InConJunction Chair-Being